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Embrace nature, taste life.

Preserved Flower Decor


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Each flower box is meticulously designed and handcrafted to unparalleled perfection. Whether it's for a birthday party, festival, wedding, or any other occasion, it is a perfect choice.

Preserved Flower Glass Dome Series

The handmade glass cover is easy to clean and maintain, making it suitable for placement in homes, offices, and for decorating various celebratory occasions such as weddings. It comes in a range of styles and sizes to choose from.

Flower Box Collection
Dreamy Garden Series

Inspired by fairy tales, the Dreamy Garden Series invites you to savor captivating classics amidst the dappled floral shadows. Meticulously crafted, these pieces remain timeless and ever-fresh.

Crafted with care by skilled florists, the Preserved Flower Lamp Stand Series pairs various floral arrangements with LED lights, replacing traditional candles for a safe and convenient classical experience. 

 Lamp Stand Series
Blamiao FB廣告 (169)  Pinkoi封面合集2024- 重要文件 (2).png

We believe every creation is a one-of-a-kind journey.

Whether it's floral arrangements or literary creations, from whimsical worlds of the imagination to little trinkets held in hand, we firmly believe that as creators, full-hearted dedication is essential to uncover the true meaning imbued within. BLÅMIÄO symbolizes a fresh new concept, not confined to any single form of creation, striving to break down the boundaries of genres.

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